Exporting models

It exports a model of eXERD to SQLite Database.

Exporting models

  1. Select Model in eXERD Menu.
  2. Designate the location to export and file name.
  3. Click "Finish".
  4. Sqlite file is generated in the location designated.
  5. If you check option, birt, ireport are generated in a subfolder.

Table Information

Column Description
logical_name logical name of schema
physical_name physical name of schema
comment comment of schema

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
logical_name logical name of table
physical_name physical name of table
comment comment of table

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
table_logical logical name of table
table_physical physical name of table
logical_name logical name of column
physical_name physical name of column
domain specified domain in column
datatype datatype of column
column_order column order in table
column_type type of column(PK,FK,blank)
nullable YES or NO
comment comment of column
default_value default value of column

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
table_logical logical name of table
table_physical physical name of table
logical_name logical name of index
physical_name logical name of index
kind kind(PK,FK,INDEX )
uniqueness type(UNIQUE, NON UNIQUE)

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
table_logical logical name of table
table_physical physical name of table
index_logical logical name of index
index_physical physical name of index
logical_name logical name of column
physical_name physical name of column
comment comment of column
datatype datatype of column
sort sort of column
nullable YES or NO
domain specified domain of column

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
table_logical logical name of table(child table)
table_physical physical name of table(child table)
parent_table_logical logical name of parent table
parent_table_physical physical name of parent table
logical_name logical name of relationship
physical_name physical name of relationship
comment comment of relationship
identity_kind identity kind(non-identity,identity)
child_cardinality relationship cardinality(EXACTLY_ONE, ZERO_OR_MORE,ONE_OR_MORE,ZERO_OR_ONE)
parent_cardinality relationship cardinality(EXACTLY_ONE, ZERO_OR_MORE,ONE_OR_MORE,ZERO_OR_ONE)

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
table_logical logical name of table
table_physical physical name of table
relation_logical logical name of relationship
relation_physical physical name of relationship
logical_name logical name of column
physical_name physical name of column
comment comment of column
column_type type of column(PK,FK)
datatype datatype of column
nullable YES or NO
domain specified domain in column
parent_column_logical logical name of parent column
parent_column_physical physical name of parent column
parent_column_datatype datatype of parent column
parent_table_logical logical name of parent table
parent_table_physical physical name of parent table

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
logical_name logical name of routine
physical_name physical name of routine
comment comment of routine
definition definition of routine

Column Description
schema_logical logical name of schema
schema_physical physical name of schema
logical_name logical name of view
physical_name physical name of view
comment comment of view
definition definition of view