
Shortcut keys help you increase the efficiency and speed of your work.

Shortcuts for a Diagram

List of shortcuts for a diagram

Shortcuts Description
F3 Switch editor mode. Logical to physical, and vice versa.
F4 Change to logical mode.
F5 Change to physical mode.
1 Most basic selection tool(select, move, etc)
2 Hold a diagram and move.
3 Make a new table.
4 Make a new non-discrimination relationship.
5 Make a new discrimination relationship.
Ctrl + A Select all content.
Ctrl + D Switch to other diagram.
Ctrl + F Search models.
Ctrl + SHIFT + F Auto-allocate the tables in the diagram.
Ctrl + P Print the diagram.
Ctrl + Wheel Up, Ctrl + '+') Zoom in the diagram.
Ctrl + Wheel Down, CTRL + '-' Zoom out the diagram.
Ctrl + 0 Display diagrams in the original size.

Shortcuts for Tables

List of shortcuts for a table. You can use these shortcuts while a specific table is selected in a diagram.

Shortcuts Description
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Add a new basic key column on the selected table.
Ctrl + Enter Add a new column on the selected table.
Alt + Delete Delete the selected table in a model.
` Change the logical/physical name of the selected table or column, and the comment at the same time.
Ctrl + UP Select parent tables of the selected table.
Ctrl + DOWN Select child tables of the selected table.
Ctrl + R Select all the relationships lines connected on the selected table.
Ctrl + C Copy the selected objects.
Ctrl + O Display the overview of the table.
Ctrl + X Cut out the selected objects.
Delete Delete the selected Even though deleting a table using Delete key in a diagram, the real model is not deleted actually. tables in a diagram, real model is not deleted.

Shortcuts for Palette View

List of shortcuts for Palette View

Shortcuts Description
1 Most basic selection tool(select, move, etc)
2 Hold diagrams and move.
3 Add a new table.
4 Make a new non-identifying relationship.
5 Make a new identifying relationship.

Shortcuts for Model View

List of shortcuts for Model View

Shortcuts Description
F3 Switch from logical view to physical view, or vice versa.
F4 Switch to logical mode.
F5 Switch to physical mode.
` Change the logical/physical name of the selected table or column, and the comment at the same time.

Shortcuts for Domain View

List of the shortcuts for Domain View

Shortcuts Description
F2 Change the name of the selected domain.
Enter Change the data type of the selected domain.
Ctrl + Enter Add a new domain
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Add a child domain on the selected domain .
Delete Delete the selected domains.
Ctrl + F Search domains.

Shortcuts for Review View

List of shortcuts for Review View

Shortcuts Description
F5 Check if there are problems.
Ctrl + 1 Amend the selected problem.

Shortcuts for Data Dictionary Editor

List of shortcuts of Data Dictionary Editor

Shortcuts Description
Ctrl + Enter Add a new term.
Ctrl + T Make a tag on the selected term terms.
Delete Delete the selected term.
Ctrl + F Search the terms.