As the Navigator view has been deprecated, the Project
Explorer has been improved to be displayed at the top left.
Version 3.3.42 - 2024.06.28
☆ Fixed content
[PostgreSQL] An issue where a column specified as Not Null
was incorrectly reverse engineered to a Null value has been fixed.
[Oracle] Fixed an issue where reverse engineering would stop
if no index was specified in the constraint.
[MySQL 8.0] The problem of not being able to reverse
engineer the sorting method of the index column has been fixed.
The issue where foreign keys were not created when reverse
engineering a model with a similar name has been fixed.
The issue where an error occurred during the reverse
engineering process while performing a database comparison operation
has been fixed.
[MySQL 5.5 ~ 5.7] An issue where function and procedure
values were incorrectly reverse engineered has been fixed.
☆ Improved content
[SQLServer] The UI has been improved so that only one of the
partition schema and file group can be specified in the Table
Properties > Index > Physical Properties menu.
If a value was previously set in the partition schema, the
'Use partition schema' value will be selected after the update.
If a value was previously set in the file group, the 'Use
file group' value will be selected after the update.
If the values for both Partition Scheme and File Group
were previously set, the 'Use Partition Scheme' value will be
selected after the update.
Version 3.3.41 - 2024.04.26
☆ Fixed content
An issue where all created diagrams were not displayed when
creating multiple diagrams using the diagram creation wizard has
been corrected.
An issue where long notes were not sorted in the model view
after adding them to the diagram has been fixed.
The problem in which the value of the sort attribute among
the additional attributes of an index could not be modified in
Oracle DBMS has been fixed.
The issue of duplicate creation of DDL for child node
indexes when creating an XML index in SQLServer DBMS has been fixed.
The problem in which DDL statements regarding physical
properties are not generated for XML indexes with child node indexes
in SQLServer DBMS has been fixed.
The problem in SQLServer DBMS where DDL statements are
created with blank spaces when table comments are blank has been
The problem in SQLServer DBMS that DDL syntax is not
generated depending on the view comment creation option setting has
been fixed.
The issue where foreign key indexes could not be reverse
engineered in Oracle DBMS has been fixed.
The problem that DDL syntax is not generated when setting
the FK index creation option alone in Oracle DBMS has been fixed.
The problem in Oracle DBMS that DDL syntax is not generated
based on the value of the sort property among the additional
properties of the index has been fixed.
The problem in which DDL syntax is generated in Cubrid DBMS
by linking the table comment creation option to the delimiter
setting has been fixed.
The problem in which DDL statements are generated even
though there is no partition method setting value in Cubrid DBMS has
been fixed.
In Tibero DBMS, the problem in which DDL statements are
generated for table and column comments even if the table creation
option is not set has been fixed.
In Tibero DBMS, an issue where DDL syntax was not generated
for a trigger belonging to a table according to the trigger creation
option has been fixed.
The issue where the delete view trigger option could not be
selected in Tibero DBMS has been fixed.
The problem in PostgreSQL DBMS where schema comments do not
generate DDL syntax according to the schema creation option setting
has been fixed.
The problem in PostgreSQL DBMS where DDL syntax for foreign
key index comments is not generated depending on the foreign key
index creation option setting has been fixed.
In PostgreSQL DBMS, an issue in which DDL statements are
generated for table and column comments even when the table creation
option is not set has been fixed.
The issue where DDL syntax is not generated when setting the
primary key index creation option alone in PostgreSQL DBMS has been
The issue where comment DDL syntax of tablespace is invalid
in MySQL DBMS has been fixed.
The issue in which DDL statements are not generated
according to the Delete Check Constraints option in MySQL DBMS has
been fixed.
The problem in MySQL DBMS where the list of index type combo
boxes does not change depending on the type of index has been fixed.
The problem in which DDL syntax is not output depending on
the values set in the Parser and Key block size properties among
index properties in MySQL DBMS has been fixed.
The problem in MySQL DBMS that DDL statements are not
generated according to the value of the wait property among the
physical properties of the table space has been fixed.
☆ Improved content
In DB2 DBMS, the “Create/Delete Unique Constraint Index”
option has been removed and integrated into the “Create/Delete
Unique Index” function.
In Tibero DBMS, the “Create/Delete Unique Constraint Index”
option has been removed and integrated into the “Create/Delete
Unique Index” function.
The “Create/Delete Unique Constraint Index” option has been
removed from SQLServer DBMS and integrated into the “Create/Delete
Unique Index” function.
Since PostgreSQL DBMS does not support the oids property
among the physical properties of tables after PostgreSQL12, the DDL
statement has been improved to be expressed differently depending on
the version selected by the user.
Version 3.3.40 - 2024.03.11
☆ Fixed content
After creating a foreign key index and changing the index
name, when deleting the foreign key index in the Table > Index tab,
Fixed an issue where changed names could not be used in the index.
In Ubuntu OS, there is an issue where the eclipse program
closes when the properties window for the eXERD model is closed.
☆ Improved content
Expanded support up to Cubrid 11.2 version.
Improved to allow reverse engineering of MySQL to proceed
faster than before.
Cubrid reverse engineering has been improved to allow faster
progress than before.
DB2 reverse engineering has been improved to allow faster
progress than before.
Version 3.3.39 - 2024.01.24
☆ Fixed content
Reverse columns that have a history of name changes among
columns belonging to foreign keys in PostgreSQL DBMS Fixed an issue
where foreign keys could not be configured during engineering.
DDL for unique index or general index where Oracle or Tibero
DBMS restrictions are not set. Fixed an issue where syntax could not
be generated.
When modifying the logical name, physical name, and method
of an index in PostgreSQL DBMS, the logical name and physical name
of the constraint The issue where physics name and physics
properties could not be specified has been fixed.
The problem in which the Deferrable and Deferred check
states of Relationship (Foreign Key) > Physical Properties were not
maintained in PostgreSQL DBMS has been fixed.
An issue where DDL was not generated according to the
specified options during forward engineering in PostgreSQL DBMS.
In PostgreSQL DBMS, you can change the sorting method of the
index column in the Table > Index > Index Column Properties window.
The issue where settings could not be set has been fixed.
eXERD Preferences > eXERD > Diagram Editor > Edit Automation
> Compound Word > Smart option is specified When there is a column,
the longer the logical name or physical name, the longer it takes to
use the dictionary reverse engineering function or the function to
find compound words. The problem has been fixed.
The issue where some links in the help did not work has been
☆ Improved content
Tibero reverse engineering has been improved to proceed
faster than before.
Improved to allow reverse engineering of PostgreSQL to
proceed faster than before.
Improved to allow reverse engineering of SQL Server to
proceed faster than before.
Version 3.3.38 - 2023.11.16
☆ Fixed bugs
An error in which XScript's newFile(path, encodinig),
views.showDomainView(), and views.showModelView() APIs could not be
used in Eclipse 2023-06 or later versions has been fixed.
Version 3.3.37 - 2023.11.08
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where an error occurred while reverse
engineering TableSpace in Oracle DBMS.
Version 3.3.36 - 2023.10.27
☆ Fixed bugs
An issue where the order was incorrect when importing
columns of constraints and indexes from template export and XScript
has been fixed.
An issue where an HTML warning was displayed because some
definitions provided in the template contained HTML grammar errors
has been fixed.
An issue where an error message was displayed and DDL could
not be created when the primary key of the linked parent table could
not be found among the foreign keys has been fixed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
By adding "work area" and "diagram" among the keywords used
in the template, it has been improved so that table definitions can
be created by work area.
How to use this function can be supported through the
template's content assist.
In the model view, the tables under the diagram have been
improved so that they can be sorted based on the name of the table
shown according to logical/physical mode.
Version 3.3.35 - 2023.09.26
☆ Fixed bugs
An error where PostgreSQL reverse engineering did not
proceed if the user did not have pg_authid permission has been
Version 3.3.34 - 2023.09.18
☆ Fixed bugs
The issue where PAGENUM and FULLPAGE among template
variables were output as is without conversion when exporting images
has been fixed.
When reverse engineering Oracle, if there are views with the
same physical name in multiple schemas, an issue where duplicate
views were created for each schema has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where procedures with incorrect information
were generated during Oracle reverse engineering.
The issue where an error message was displayed and the
installation did not proceed when installing eXERD in Eclispe
2022-09 JAVA EE version or higher has been fixed.
The problem that SQLServer reverse engineering did not
proceed due to occupying unnecessary memory or executing incorrect
SQL has been fixed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
It has been improved so that the maximum physical name
length of each DBMS model can be set in "eXERD - eXERD environment
settings - eXERD - Naming rules - Physical name length settings".
- These settings affect the
physics name automatically generated for each model and model
When selecting the Barker notation, if the relationship line
connected to the child table is an identified relationship, UID
Bar(|) has been improved to display.
The Oracle Forward Engineering Wizard has been improved to
open faster than before.
Improved to allow reverse engineering of Oracle to proceed
faster than before.
The Oracle Reverse Engineering Wizard has been improved to
allow you to select what to reverse.
Version 3.3.33 - 2023.06.09
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed incorrect syntax when creating procedural DDL in
Forward Engineering or DDL Preview in PostgreSQL DBMS.
Fixed an error when launching the Oracle forward engineering
dialog in the latest version of Eclipse (2023-03).
Fixed a problem that did not work when clicking the Forward
Engineering menu in Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL DBMS.
In PostgreSQL DBMS, the "Default Expression" column of the
column properties window and the "DDL" tab of the function property
window were not displayed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
Improved so that the ToolTip for the table comment does not
disappear after a certain period of time when the mouse is hovered
over the table diagram.
Version 3.3.32 - 2023.04.07
☆ Fixed bugs
When creating PostgreSQL DDL, if the table comment is not
written, the error of not commenting the column occurs. Edited.
When reverse engineering Tibero, non-unique indexes are
created as many as the number of columns in the non-unique index.
The generated error has been fixed.
Fixed an error where the unique index creation option was
not applied among the Tibero DDL options.
When installing on Spring Tool 4.17, the Boot Dash view and
other plugins were affected. Error fixed.
In PostgreSQL, when the parent column is Serial data type,
the data type of the child column is similar to Serial. An error
that was not specified as a data type has been corrected. Serial
pseudo data type is set as follows.
※ The default SERIAL-like
data type is As above, with BIGINT ↔ INT8 / INTEGER ↔ INT, INT4 /
SMALLINT ↔ INT2 Users can also set their own.
Example 1) You have a
relationship or are about to start a new relationship In this
case, when the data type of the parent table column is SERIAL, the
data type of the child table column is similar data. It is
automatically set to the type (INTEGER).
Example 2) Domains are
assigned to columns set as foreign keys. If the data type is not
overridden when set, the data type of the columns is also changed
when the data type of the domain is changed. will change.
Example 3) The data type of
the child column is SERIAL If the similar data type does not match
the SERIAL data type of the parent column, the problem can be
collectively corrected through model inspection. can.
Version 3.3.31 - 2023.02.03
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where data types were changed to lower case
in PostgreSQL.
Fixed an issue where data types were not displayed as model
check items when redefining data types in PostgreSQL.
Fixed an issue where the diagram editor intermittently
stopped when using the table comment display.
The problem that Oracle DBMS could not specify index type as
BITMAP has been fixed.
The problem that content assist did not work in Eclipse
2022-12 has been fixed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
In PostgreSQL, when setting SERIAL type as the data type of
the parent column, it has been improved so that the SERIAL
pseudo-datatype can be set for the child column.
- When the domain data type and column data type are set
to SERIAL or SERIAL pseudo-datatype during model inspection, it is
not regarded as data type redefinition.
Version 3.3.30 - 2022.12.01
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where Forward Engineering information was
displayed in English in Korean Help
☆ Enhanced Contents
It has been improved to register the JDBC driver and
auditory library required for database connection in connection
information setting, forward/buckers engineering.
- Example) For DBMS Oracle, ojdbc11.jar, orai18n.jar,
ucp11.jar, etc.
Version 3.3.29 - 2022.10.28
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed typos displayed in each property window of MySQL, DB2,
and Cubrid.
An error where some DDL generation options were not
reflected in Oracle has been fixed.
Select all in the model selection page in the forward
engineering window of Tibero, MySQL, DB2, Cubrid; An error where the
full release function did not work has been fixed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
The eXERD license expiration policy has changed.
Change to read-only mode when license expires
When the file is opened in read-only mode, model
modification is not possible, and some functions (forward
engineering, reverse Engineering, Model Inspection, XScript, etc.)
not available
The eXERD installer has changed.
Cubrid does not support the check constraint function, so
the constraint in the Cubrid table property window > Check
constraint The page has been removed.
Regardless of option to display owner in forward engineering
or DDL preview when modeling with multiple schemas Improvements have
been made so that the owner's name for the model is always
The forward engineering target model contains a schema,
and the option to create schema and delete schema DDL is not
available. If set, the owner's name must be displayed
In the forward engineering target model, if multiple
schemas such as tables, sequences, views, functions, and
procedures belong In this case, the owner's name must be indicated
If the foreign key constraint creation option is set, the
table to which the foreign key belongs and the table to which the
primary key belongs. If the schema is different, the owner's name
must be indicated
Version 3.3.28 - 2022.09.07
☆ New Features
Support Microsoft SQL Server 2019 version
☆ Fixed bugs
In SQLServer, Database Properties > General > General tab >
Enter the 'Collation Name' property at least once Fixed an error
where the 'COLLATE' keyword was always displayed in the DDL.
Database properties in SQLServer > 'Widget' when adding or
deleting partition functions and partition schemas Disposed' error
message displayed has been fixed.
Fixed a problem where DDL was not generated when specifying
a filegroup in the table properties window in SQLServer. In
SQL Server, you cannot specify a partition schema and a filegroup
for a table at the same time. UI has been improved. If there
is a partition schema value when receiving the eXERD update that was
previously used, 'Use partition schema' If the option has a
filegroup value, the 'Use filegroup' option is checked. (The default
is Use Partition Schema.)
Fixed an issue in SQLServer where the NONCLUSTED keyword was
always displayed in the DDL even though the clustered attribute of
the table properties > index > index was not specified.
Fixed an issue where some options set in Table Properties >
DDL Preview in SQLServer were not saved.
Fixed an error where the Select All and Release All buttons
on the model selection page of the Forward Engineering dialog in
SQLServer did not work.
Fixed a problem in SQLServer where selecting as diagram and
selecting as model on the model selection page of the forward
engineering dialog did not work properly.
Fixed an issue where SQLServer was not getting comment
information for sequences from reverse engineering results.
Fixed an issue where Excel documents with values of type
Boolean could not be imported when using 'Excel Import' in a domain
or glossary.
The problem that the color icon was not displayed in the
context menu of the table column > Paste color tag has been fixed.
The problem that the number of hidden diagrams was not
displayed at the bottom of the diagram editor when multiple diagrams
were created has been fixed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
Sequence properties in SQLServer > Add comment creation
option in DDL preview, and add comments to information It has been
improved so that it can be checked in the DDL tab.
Version 3.3.27 - 2022.08.18
☆ Fixed bugs
Downgraded the recommended specification of standalone
version from eclipse 2019-12 (4.14 64bit) to eclipse photon (4.8
64bit) If you are using the version below or need to
update eXERD to the latest version, be sure to uninstall and
install eXERD.
3.3.25 - Error running with eclipse default platform
rather than eXERD platform
3.3.26 - When using the Check for Updates function,
eclipse was updated to the latest update and some functions could
not be used
Fixed a problem where the FK Index setting value in Tibero
behaved in the opposite way.
If a PK column is automatically created when establishing a
relationship, the problem that internally managed PK data is not
deleted when executing undo (UNDO) has been fixed.
☆ Enhanced Contents
Window > Preferences > General > 'Always run in background'
for default value is set to false. Improvements have been
made to progress to the next level upon completion of reverse
It is applied
when a new workspace is set in the standalone version.
Version 3.3.26 - 2022.08.03
☆ New Features
Support extended to PostgreSQL version 14.0.
☆ Enhanced Contents
Added 'Create primary key index' option in table DDL preview
and forward engineering in PostgreSQL. You can now create only
primary key indexes without any restrictions.
Improved to be able to generate comments for primary key
indexes in PostgreSQL.
When creating table triggers in table DDL preview and
forward engineering in PostgreSQL, the 'create table' option must be
checked to create a table trigger regardless of the 'create table'
option. It has been improved to help.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed the problem that Eclipse 2019-12 icon and Splash
screen are displayed instead of eXERD icon and Splash screen when
running again after installing eXERD 3.3.25 Installer version.
Re-installation of eXERD 3.3.26 Installer is required.
Show column in cell view setting > When moving to another
diagram after setting properties, the problem that the display
column value set in each diagram was displayed as the previous
diagram setting value has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where an unrelated error message was
displayed when double-clicking a model in the model view.
When double-clicking a table below a diagram that is not
open in the model view to open it, the order of the diagram is
registered first and an error occurs when closing the diagram has
been fixed.
The problem that reverse engineering of sequences did not
work properly in PostgreSQL 9 version has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where comment creation syntax consisting of
empty values was exposed when the 'Generate comments' option was
selected in table DDL preview and forward engineering when no
comments were made for a column in PostgreSQL.
Fixed an issue where the delete unique constraint statement
was not generated in the table DDL preview in PostgreSQL.
Fixed an issue where the check constraint delete statement
was not generated in the table DDL preview in PostgreSQL.
Fixed a problem in PostgreSQL where the user-set Exclusion
constraint creation/deletion and trigger creation/deletion setting
values were not saved in the table DDL preview.
The problem has been fixed in PostgreSQL where the option is
checked when you go to another page and then return to the next page
after unchecking the 'Generic index creation' option in the table
DDL preview in PostgreSQL.
The problem that the 'Select All / Clear All' option did not
work in the Forward Engineering > Model Selection dialog in
PostgreSQL has been fixed.
PostgreSQL > In the index attribute, if you check the
Deferred attribute of the index with exclusion constraint set, the
screen update for Deferred and Deferable attributes has been fixed.
Version 3.3.25 - 2022.07.19
☆ Enhanced Contents
When connecting to SQLServer JDBC, connection properties can
be added in connection information.
The eXERD installation recommendations have been changed to
provide stable service for the latest Eclipse and Java versions.
- Eclipse Plug-in Version : Eclipse Ganymede(3.4) ->
Upgrade the minimum version to Eclipse Mars 2(4.5.2)
- Standalone version (Installer): Eclipse Ganymede (3.4
32bit) -> Upgrade the recommended specification version to Eclipse
2019-12 (4.14 64bit)
☆ Fixed bugs
Removed 'Delete primary key index' entry from SQLServer >
DDL Preview and Forward Engineering.
Added 'Remove Constraints' entry in SQLServer > DDL Preview
and Forward Engineering.
Version 3.3.24 - 2022.05.26
☆ New Features
Extended support up to PostgreSQL 13.0 version.
☆ Fixed bugs
PostgreSQL > Fixed an issue where tab names in schema were
displayed incorrectly.
PostgreSQL > Schema > When creating a data type, the name is
not automatically generated according to the naming convention.
PostgreSQL > A value was entered for some attribute that
supports decimal point in table attribute, but the value is not
saved. Fixed a problem that didn't work.
Fixed a problem where some properties of a column were not
set when reverse engineering PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL > Index > Fixed the problem that the constraint
physics properties were not activated.
Version 3.3.23 - 2022.05.10
☆ New Features
PostgreSQL 12.0 version to 21c version extended support.
☆ Fixed bugs
Version 3.3.22 - 2022.04.14
☆ New Features
Oracle 9i ~ 12c version to 21c version extended support.
☆ Enhanced Contents
Improvements have been made so that you can specify whether
or not to set the storage option of a tablespace in Oracle.
Properties not supported from Oracle 9i have been removed
from the property window. (Table: MaxTrans, ReadOnly / Index:
Improved to allow version selection in Oracle's DDL preview
and forward engineering preview. You can preview the DDL for the
version you choose.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem in Oracle where logical names, physical
names, and physical properties could not be set intermittently when
there was no previously selected tablespace.
Fixed the problem that the delete statement was displayed
when selecting check constraint and unique constraint creation items
in Oracle's table DDL preview.
Fixed a problem where a small number of properties were not
properly applied to the ERD model when reverse engineering in
Fixed Oracle not generating DDL as specified with a small
number of physics properties.
Fixed the problem in Oracle being synchronized with the
physical properties percentFree and initialTrans of the index when
specifying percentFree and initialTrans among the physical
properties of the table.
Fixed a problem in PostgreSQL where changes to the physical
properties of a table were not immediately applied to the DDL
Fixed an issue where AutoExtend settings were not
initialized when the selected tablespace was dropped in Oracle.
Fixed an issue where the MaxSize field was activated under
certain conditions when AutoExtend Unlimited was set in Tablespace >
Datafile in Oracle.
Fixed Annotation option not being applied during reverse
engineering setup in Cubrid.
Fixed the problem that the size of the note was set larger
than the length of the text when the text of the note contained tab
Version 3.3.21 - 2022.01.28
☆ Enhanced Contents
When selecting a table in the model view, the selected
number is displayed in the lower left corner.
☆ Fixed bugs
Adjusted the foreign key constraint DDL generation location
in SQLServer to the correct location.
SQLServer > Table Properties > Partition schema and
filegroup information could not be specified.
SQLServer > Index Properties > Fixed the problem that the
partition schema and filegroup information could not be specified.
Version 3.3.20 - 2022.01.19
☆ New Features
MySQL 8.0 is supported.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where supported properties were incorrectly
exposed in MySQL > Table Properties > Add Method property.
Fixed a point where DDL preview and forward engineering DDL
are displayed differently when creating MySQL > log file group.
MYSQL > Database Properties >. When the tablespace is
deleted, the data file deletion DDL is not output. Fixed a problem
that caused an error.
Intermittently after forward engineering. Fixed the error
dialog being displayed.
MySQL > Tables > Indexes >. Modified to select only BTREE
and HASH Index Types when creating PK Index and Unique Index.
Fixed an issue where MySQL > Reverse Engineering did not
properly load partition-related property information.
In MySQL > Database Properties > Tablespace > Engine
properties list, you can select only the list supported by MYSQL.
Help > DBMS properties > Schema properties, table
properties, and multilingual processing of forward engineering items
Fixed the problem.
Version 3.3.19 - 2022.01.10
☆ Fixed bugs
The problem that during reverse engineering of Oracle, even
though the default value of a column is Null, has been fixed as it
is added to the physical property and displayed as a DDL property.
Version 3.3.18 - 2022.01.07
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed other bugs.
Version 3.3.17 - 2021.12.20
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed eXERD not updating on some PCs.
Version 3.3.16 - 2021.12.15
☆ Enhanced Contents
Supports Apple Silicon.
Version 3.3.15 - 2021.12.02
☆ Enhanced Contents
Supports Cubrid 11.0 version.
Version 3.3.14 - 2021.11.17
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed the problem that the setting value of Oracle Forward
Engineering could not be loaded when eXERD was installed and used as
a plug-in in Eclipse versions higher than JDK 11.
☆ Enhanced Contents
If the DBMS-specific model inspection is not supported in
Environment Settings > eXERD > Model inspection item, it has been
modified so that it is not exposed to the item.
Version 3.3.13 - 2021.06.16
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem in which incorrect review results were
returned as 'unregistered terms' when the review function was
performed even though the terms were registered in the glossary.
☆ Enhanced Contents
In the registration information, the current eXERD version
and a phrase guiding cautions when registering a license have been
added to reduce the user's license registration mistakes.
Version 3.3.12 - 2021.03.11
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem where the comparison did not proceed
normally when comparing files.
n eXERD Menu → About eXERD → Online Forum is selected, the
eXERD forum site has been modified to move to the Tomato System
technical support site.
Version 3.3.11 - 2021.03.03
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed the problem of not being able to import long type
columns when performing reverse engineering in Oracle DBMS. Fixed
the problem of not being able to import long type columns when
performing reverse engineering in Oracle DBMS.
Version 3.3.10 - 2021.02.02
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem in which partition tables could not be
imported when performing reverse engineering in PostgreSQL DBMS.
Version 3.3.9 - 2021.02.01
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem that reverse engineering failed in Cubrid
Version 3.3.8 - 2021.01.22
☆ New Features
SQL Server DBMS supports schema creation and editing,
forward engineering, and reverse engineering.
☆ Enhanced Contents
In PostgreSQL DBMS, when the data type of the PK column
belonging to the parent table is designated as'SERIAL', if the FK
column of the child table is nullable, if it is configured as
SERIAL, an error may occur in the PostgreSQL DBMS. The data type of
the FK column of the table has been improved to be fixed to INT.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem where table spaces were not deleted in
Oracle DBMS.
When comparing files, when comparing files that do not exist
in the current workspace, the file comparison function could not be
Fixed a problem in which reverse engineering did not work
properly with an account with DBA authority in Cubrid 9.X DBMS.
Version 3.3.7 - 2020.9.14
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem that reverse engineering did not work
properly in Oracle DBMS.
Version 3.3.6 - 2020.9.11
☆ New Features
In order to compensate for the problem of poor legibility
when printing table diagrams, the'Print table names clearly'
function has been newly added in the printer print settings.
The created ERD file can be created as an image of the PNG
extension. You can use it by clicking the photo frame-shaped toggle
at the top, or through diagram editor → right click → export as
☆ Enhanced Contents
When creating an eXERD file, it has been changed to separate
the file creation process and the domain option selection process.
Some UI of table properties in Oracle DBMS-based eXERD files
have been improved.
Improved Domain Import capability to notify you when
importing a corrupted Excel file.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem where the forward engineering function of
Oracle DBMS did not work properly in Java 11 or higher versions.
Fixed a problem where the view of the business area was not
removed when the view of the database was removed from the model
When creating the eXERD file, the problem that the data type
length of the primary domain was not displayed correctly has been
When calling Excel files at Import Domain feature,
corrected the problem of some UI not displaying correctly
The table's name created in the sample example (pos.exerd)
has been corrected to prevent problems caused by matching the name
used by Oracle DBMS as a reserved language.
An error that occurred when the sample example (study.exerd)
file right-clicking → Export → eXERD → Template has been fixed.
Some typos have been fixed.。
Version 3.3.5 - 2020.7.1
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed editing property values that were disappearing problem
when you edit the schema sequence of PostgreSQL, Oracle DBMS.
Version 3.3.4 - 2020.6.3
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where eXERD files could not be opened in some
Linux environments.
Version 3.3.3 - 2020.4.24
☆ Enhanced Contents
Fixed an issue resulting in poor performance when
repositioning tables in the diagram on macOS.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue in which the level type of the automatically
generated extended attribute was incorrectly specified when using
the 'Generate comment (use logical name if no comment)' option of
StoredProcedure in the SQLServer DBMS.
Version 3.3.2 - 2020.03.10
☆ Enhanced Contents
In eXERD preferences, you can specify a naming convention
for partition attributes in the Cubrid DBMS.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed a problem that the length of a column's data type was
missing when copying and pasting a table in an .exerd file.
Version 3.3.1 - 2020.01.23
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where eXERD was intermittently stopped and
not reflected when modifying the table's physical properties.
Minor bug fixes.
Version 3.3.0 - 2020.01.07
☆ New Features
Cubrid 9.0 ~ 9.3 / 10.1 ~ 10.2 version is supported.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where some characters in the eXERD
configuration menu were garbled.
Fixed an issue that caused an error when trying to reverse
engineer functions, procedures, and triggers in Tibero 4 and 5.
Fixed a problem in which some index method selection results
were not reflected among the index method setting properties
supported by PostgreSQL.
Version 3.2.3 - 2019.7.24
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed some erd files not opening in 3.2.2 version
Version 3.2.2 - 2019.7.24
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed some menus not displaying correctly.
Version 3.2.1 - 2019.7.19
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where the error occurred when the reverse
engineer of mysql server did not have '@' delimiter in the
Definer column.
Version 3.2.0 - 2019.6.17
☆ Enhanced Contents
The compound word input option using the term dictionary has
been subdivided. The compound word input options can be set in the eXERD
> Diagram Editor > Auto Edit item in the Preferences.
Can set whether to use compound words.
Can choose not to use delimiters when creating compound
words for words that do not use delimiters.
Can use words that are not registered in the term
dictionary as they are when you create a compound word.
If you have both a perfect match word and compound word,
can use the compound word first.
A compound word can be applied to an underscore(_) or a
whitespace character( ) that is not registered as a delimiter.
Review item for name has been broken down. Review of the
name is affected by the Auto Edit option.
Can check whether you have violated the term policy
separately for logical and physical names.
Can check whether a word that is not registered in the
term dictionary is used. Words that are not registered in the term
dictionary by the Auto Edit option can pass the model check.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where an error occurred when closing the
perspective using "Close All Perspectives" menu while eXERD
file was opened.
Fixed an issue where reverse engineering could not get
Tibero functions, procedures, and triggers correctly.
Fixed an issue where only underscore(_) were reviewed
instead of delimiters specified in preferences.
Fixed an issue where compare/merge for reference objects did
not work correctly.
Fixed an issue where the files at the top of the workspace
could not be compared.
Version 3.1.0 - 2019.2.18
☆ New Features
Supports Tibero 4, 5 and 6 Versions.
If the structure of the eXERD file is the same, the eXERD
file created in the higher version can be opened in the lower
☆ Enhanced Contents
1. Can import the check constraint in XScript.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where an error occurred when running a
reverse-engineered script of a defined XScript.
Fixed an issue where the term dictionary was not correctly
reflected when the prefix / suffix was entered in Korean when
entering a column name.
Fixed an issue where PostgreSQL did not correctly generate
the comment DDL syntax for indexes.
The "Too long name", "Use reserved words", and "Duplicate
name" reviews for non-activated foreign key indexes have been fixed
to work.
Version 3.0.0 - 2019.1.1
☆ eXERD 3.0 Released
New databases and more and more advanced features will be
* eXERD 3.0.0 includes all features of 2.x version.
Version 2.5.3 - 2018.11.13
☆ Enhanced Contents
Can add connection properties from MySQL Connection
Version 2.5.2 - 2018.10.26
☆ New Features
Supports MySQL 5.8 Version.
☆ Enhanced Contents
The Excel 2007 (.xlsx) format has been added to the import
of the term dictionary and domain. If you use the Excel 2007 format,
you can get more than 65,536 rows.
Custom attributes that are only supported on tables can be
used in other columns, such as columns and indexes.
Can use a Business Area from XScript.
Can specify an index tablespace for table physical
attributes in DB2.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where reverse engineering could not be done
if the sql_mode setting of the MySQL server was set to
Fixed an issue where compare / merge functionality in some
files did not work correctly when using JDK 7, 8 version.
Fixed an issue where the value of the property being edited
was not reflected when the property was edited by using the property
dialog box in macOS and the OK button was selected to reflect the
The name of the domain has been changed so that it can not
be created as an empty string.
Fixed a problem where some printers could not get default
printer information.
The default value of sorted index physical attribute sorted
by Oracle has been changed to true.
Fixed an issue where DDL syntax for table spaces in tables
was not generated during DB2 forward engineering.
Version 2.5.1 - 2018.05.15
☆ New Features
Supports DB2 10 and 11 Versions.
☆ Enhanced Contents
In the Model view, the table is displayed as a sub-element
of the diagram.
Can create a logical name based on the physical name when
collectively reflecting the contents of the term dictionary.
Version 2.5.0 - 2018.02.28
☆ New Features
Supports PostgreSQL 9.0, 10.2 Version.
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed an issue where some index columns could not be
imported when reverse engineering PostgreSQL 9.6 or later.
Version 2.4.9 - 2018.02.05
☆ New Features
Supports SQL Server 2016 and 2017.
☆ Enhanced Contents
Can use the pop-up menus in the model view to sort the
business areas, diagrams, tables, views, functions, and procedures
☆ Fixed bugs
The sort function in the model view also sorts views,
functions, and procedures.
Version 2.4.8 - 2017.07.11
☆ Fixed bugs
Now term validation uses term delimiter that is configurable
at preference.
Term validator will suggest auto-fix using delimiter that is
configurable at preference.
Now a property dialog of a table shows index list properly
for DB2.
Compatibility issues about term editor with Eclipse Oxygen
was fixed.
Version 2.4.7 - 2016.12.27
☆ Enhanced Contents
The default JRE for standalone version is changed from 1.6
to 1.8.
You can more easily see the color of the table in the
thumbnail view.
☆ Fixed bugs
The problem of unable to open a file after installation by
plugin on eclipse mars.2 or later version is fixed.
Fixed an issue where an unable to set foreign key constraint
when a unique index existed in Oracle's Properties dialog box
without unique constraints.
Fixed an issue where an unable to initialize the text box
for editing numbers in the Properties dialog.
If the account is not an administrator account, the way of
getting full schema in reverse engineering in PostgreSQL is changed
from using the ownership right to the account accessed
Version 2.4.6 - 2016.05.09
☆ Fixed bugs
Diagram generation failure after reverse engineering was
Version 2.4.5 - 2016.05.05
☆ Fixed bugs
Fixed the problem that some diagrams were disappearing in
version 2.4.4.
Fixed the problem that eXERD could not open the file that
contains duplicated diagram.
Version 2.4.4 - 2016.05.03
☆ New Features
Business Area is introduced. Now you can allocate tables by
business area even they are belongs to same scheme.
Diagrams are now sub elements of business areas.
Diagram can be closed without deletion. It can be re-opened
through Model View
MySQL 5.7 is supported now.
Ctrl+/ allows line commentation in XScript Editor.
Validation and quix fix are available for the case when
column's data type overrides it's domain definition.
Validation element for columns without domain was added.
☆ Fixed bugs
Malfunctions of print previwing for negative area.
Sequece's some attributes in Oracle could not be setted
An eXERD file for some specific version of SQL Server was
not opened properly.
Comparing that uses UUID now ignores non-related objects.
Table Report from built-in XScript now can be shown in MS
Excel with more good looking.
Version 2.4.3 - 2016.04.04
☆ New Features
Support PostgreSQL Physical Properties.
Expand All and Collapse All has been added in the search
result view.
You can search using the default value when search the
You can specify a range when you search the schema and
Display The count of models in the model view.
Support sequence for oracle.
☆ Fixed Contents
Fixed an error that the file can not be opened in the eXERD
plug-in Eclipse of European languages.
You can ignore any errors to perform sql statement in the
forward engineering.
Version 2.3.9 - 2015.12.28
☆ Fixed Contents
It is fixed that getting only part of the procedures when
reverse engineering from SQL Server.
Version 2.3.8 - 2015.12.17
☆ New Features
Support MySQL JDBC Connector 5.1.38
Version 2.3.7 - 2015.11.04
☆ Fixed Contents
The problem that columns which not using expression can’t be
collected during reverse engineering for Oracle.
Importing ERWIN now orders columns using physical order.
Wrong index name of Relation Specification Template was
Hanging on importing domains with specific condition was
Missing “on update” statement during reverse engineering for
MySQL was fixed.
SQL Server 2005 2005 RTM(9.00.1399) are supported now.
Minor bugs are fixed.
Version 2.3.6 - 2015.05.19
☆ Fixed Contents
Table name was not printed properly.
Incorrect length of NVARCHAR2 during reverse engineering for
The problem that the length of VARCHAR2(CHAR) is retrieved
as byte value during reverse engineering for Oracle.
Version 2.3.3 - 2014.07.25
☆ Enhanced Contents
What if logical name matches term dictionary already,
Doesn't modify logical name when new physical name is entered.
Content assistant of logical name doesn't corrupt intention
of users when term dictionary is connected. It suggests possible
compositions of logical name that matches to physical name when
logical name is empty case only. Otherwise, It will suggest all
logical names that matches to current input.
When logical name was automatically entered according to
entering physical name, No more failure due to duplication of
logical name, What if there is a duplication, It will add a number
to end part of logical name.
☆ Fixed Contents
WITH statement is not generated anymore when creating a
index with no "WITH" option when a file group was setted in SQL
Version 2.3.2 - 2014.05.28
☆ Fixed Contents
The problem that at the time of generating Oracle DDL,
ssemicolon is written at the last of a index sentence
The problem as below: If there is no prime key at the time
of Oracle forward engineering, DDL of a blank value is operated then
the message shows as "SQL is not improper."
Version 2.3.2 - 2014.4.7
☆ New Features
Support Trigger
- Select model(table,view,database) supporting each DBMS
in Model View and add it on the tab, opening the window for
Support Procedure, Function
- Add it on right-click menu, selecting schema view in
Model View.
Added Export Model
- It exports a model of eXERD to SQLite Database.
☆ Improved Contents
Content assist is possible for table logical name.
☆ Fixed Contents
Minor errors have been fixed.
Version 2.3.1 - 2013.12.19
☆ New Features
Support Oracle 12c
Support View
- After selecting schema or view on Model View, you could
add view on the right-click menu.
☆ Improved Contents
It's advanced to check all functions on the menu.
Style option is added to print setting.
☆ Fixed Contents
After importing ERwin, the problem of the table location has
been fixed.
The rest of minor errors have been fixed.
Version 2.3.0 - 2013.09.27
☆ New Features
Support Mysql 5.6
Defined XScript - "Export to CSV" added.
XScript is accessible to Data Dictionary.
☆ Improved Contents
In the diagram table, the logical name has been modified to
shows the physical name of the first input to automatically to
Mysql - Empty value have been added to Collation and
Character Set.
Data Dictionary of the edit box was fixed.
The default values of the physical name to convert uppercase
has been modified to "Disable".
Dialog box of ERwin Import has been improved.
☆ Fixed Contents
In properties of exerd extension file, mysql tabs appearing
bug has been fixed.
The Data Dictionary of the ascending and descending has been
fixed that sort sequence different problem.
Oracle - Reverse Engineering has been fixed that invalid
data length value import.
When edit Oracle connection settings, Port has been fixed
that change problem to the default port.
Other minor problem has been fixed.
Version 2.2.0 - 2012.11.30
☆ New Contents
On this version, XScript Engine, a powerful eXERD script
engine, is mounted upon. Based on JavaScript, this engine is also
accompanied by the most progressive and supportive editor. (for more
While editing a diagram, now you can select plural tables
and arrange using the tools from alignment toolbar.
User-defined properties are added to table properties dialog
- User-defined properties are not applied to
database, but you utilize by using XScript.
All physical properties of MySQL is supported.
- MySQL has many unimplemented items in defined specs, so you
should have full understanding MySQL
Data Definition. * Example 1: You can use contexts
of CHECK constraints, but they are not applied. * Example
2: Contexts of ON UPDATE, ON DELETE of FK is only applied to
tables using InnoDB.
☆ Improved Features
You can find indexed columns easily in diagram editor.
Support for Linux has has become more stabilized.
Multi-core CPU is now supported. Using the multi-core CPU,
eXERD processes complex tasks such as operation of data dictionary
far faster than before.
Data dictionary has been improved
In the Data Dictionary editor, logical/physical synonyms
are immediately shown, and you can directly enter a comma as a
separator. (for
more details)
In case of connecting data dictionary later, you can batch
the term policy easily.(for more
You can create data dictionary based on logical/physical
names in an eXERD file automatically create.(for
more details)
You can enter connecting characters of Oracle directly.
- By entering connecting characters of
yourself, you can set necessary properties or connect to the RAC
☆ Bug Fixes
When using Barker notation, the problem of erroneous
notation has been corrected.
When editing data dictionary on Mac, the problem that the
cells are too small has been corrected.
In Windows XP, the problem that some columns are not printed
has been corrected.
Has fixed the problem of error in wrong data type import,
while importing ERWin 7.3 XML files where a domain has logical
Regardless of settings about database character-set of
MySQL, the Korean comment is applied correctly.
Version 2.1.2 - 2012.09.05
☆ New Features
You can use Windows Authentication in SQL Server.
Version 2.1.1 - 2012.08.13
☆ New Features
Select tool(Shortcut:1) and panning tool(Shortcut:2) are
combined. Now, you can pan the screen with clicking mouse
wheel in select tool, and by clicking mouse wheel, you can
jump scroll that point to the middle of the screen.
☆ Fixed Bugs
The problem that some physical properties of FK were not
applied to DDL in MySQL and MSSQL has been corrected.
The problem that same named domain could be created has been
- Reverse engineering and forward engineering of MySQL (version 5.1
and 5.5) is now supported. - You can select target DBMS
while making a new eXERD file or processing reverse engineering.
☆ Fixed Bugs
In Eclipse 3.8, the problem that documents were not opened
normally has been corrected.
Version 2.0.6 - 2012.05.17
☆ Fixed Bugs
[SQL Server] While processing forward/reverse engineering,
now you can process accounts that has no passwords.
Processing time has reduced while importing an ERwin file.
If importing ERwin is started, the problem that the process
could not be canceled has been corrected.
In case of existing items which the logical name is not
defined in the data dictionary, during eXERD diagram edit, the
problem that some functions were malfunctioned has been corrected.
☆ New Features
XML files for ERwin 7.3.X can be imported.
After setting the column filters of specific tables, you can
apply same properties to all same tables of other diagram.
Version 2.0.5 - 2012.05.07
☆ New Features
Now you can make 1:1 relationship.
Version 2.0.4 - 2012.04.18
☆ Fixed Bugs
The problem occurred in comparing working files with
database has been corrected.
After finishing cell edit, the problem that error dialog is
sometimes displayed has been corrected.
[SQL Server] Identity property of start value and increment
value of maximum setting range type has been fixed that limit
problem to the range of int data type.
[SQL Server] a clustered attribute do not reflected to the
syntax of an index in forward engineering has been fixed.
- DB2 UDB Version 9.x support the reverse engineering and the
forward engineering. - Create a new eXERD file or, if run
the reverse engineering, can select the target DBMS. cf.
Forward / Reverse Engineering is also possible to target the DB2
UDB Version 8.x, but it is not recommended.
[SQL Server] If change the properties of the columns in the
properties dialog box, the UI problem of Identity property has been
fixed to deactivate.
While zoom in and out, has been fixed that black line or
white line is displayed in the background and shadow.
If the user is personalized work environment, has been fixed
problem that are not displayed the newly added function until reset
the working environment.