Java Building Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Building settings on the Opens the Building preference page Java > Compiler > Building preference page.





Maximum number of reported problems per compilation unit

Specifies how many problems should be reported for a compilation unit.


Enable use of exclusion patterns in source folders

When disabled, no entry on a project classpath can be associated with an exclusion pattern.


Enable use of multiple output locations for source folders

When disabled, no entry on a project classpath can be associated with a specific output location, preventing thus usage of multiple output locations.


Build path problems

Abort build when build path errors occur

Allow to toggle the builder to abort if the classpath is invalid.


Incomplete build path

Indicate the severity of the problem reported when an entry on the classpath does not exist, is not legitimate or is not visible (e.g. a reference project is closed).


Circular dependencies

Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a project is involved in a cycle.


Incompatible required binaries

Indicated the severity of the problem reported when a project requires incompatible binaries.


Output location overlaps source location

Indicated the severity of the problem reported when a source entry's output location overlaps another source entry.


No strictly compatible JRE for execution environment available

Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a project prerequisites another project or library with an incompatible target JDK level (e.g. project targeting 1.1 vm, but compiled against 1.4 libraries).


Output folder

Duplicated resources

Indicate the severity of the problem reported when more than one occurrence of a resource is to be copied into the output location.


Scrub output folders when cleaning projects

Indicate whether the Java Builder is allowed to clean the output folders when performing full build operations.


Rebuild class files modified by others

Indicate whether class files which have been modified by others should be rebuilt to undo the modification.


Filtered resources

A comma separated list of file patterns which are not copied to the output folder. 


Related concepts

Java builder
Inclusion and exclusion patterns
Build classpath