Javadoc Generation wizard
allows you to generate Javadoc. It is a user interface for the javadoc.exe tool available in the Java JDK. Visit Sun's Javadoc Tool page for a complete documentation of the Javadoc tool.
Type Selection:
Option |
Description |
Javadoc command |
Specify which command to use to generate the javadoc. |
Select types for which Javadoc will be generated |
In the list, check or clear the boxes to specify exactly the types that you want to export. This list is initialized by the workbench selection. |
Create Javadoc for members with visibility |
Use standard doclet |
Start the Javadoc command with the standard doclet (default)
Use custom doclet |
Use a custom doclet to generate documentation
Standard Doclet Arguments (available when Use standard doclet has been selected):
Option |
Description |
Document title |
Specify a document title. |
Generate use page | Selected this option if you want the documentation to contain a Use page. |
Generate hierarchy tree | Selected this option if you want the documentation to contain a Tree page. |
Generate navigator bar |
Selected this option if you want the documentation to contain a navigation bar (header and footer). |
Generate index | Selected this option if you want the documentation to contain a Index page. |
Separate index per letter | Create an index per letter. Enabled when Generate Index is selected. |
@author | Selected this option if you want to the @author tag to be documented. |
@version | Selected this option if you want to the @version tag to be documented. |
@deprecated | Selected this option if you want to the @deprecated tag to be documented. |
deprecated list | Selected this option if you want the documentation to contain a Deprecated page. Enabled when the @deprecated option is selected. |
Select referenced archives and projects to which links should be generated |
Specify to which other documentation Javadoc should create links when other types are referenced.
Style sheet | Select the style sheet to use |
General Javadoc Options:
Option |
Description |
Overview |
Specifies that Javadoc should retrieve the text for the overview documentation from the given file. It will be placed in overview-summary.html. |
VM options |
Add any number of extra VM options here. |
Extra Javadoc options |
Add any number of extra options here: Custom doclet options or JRE 1.4 compatibility options. |
JRE source compatibility |
The JRE source compatibility to be accepted by the javadoc tool. |
Save the settings of this Javadoc export as an Ant script |
Specify to store an Ant script that will perform the specified Javadoc export without the need to use the wizard. Existing Ant script can be modified with this wizard (Use Open Javadoc wizard' from the context menu on the generated Ant script) |
Open generated index file in browser | Opens the generated index.html file in the browser (Only available when using the standard doclet) |
Press Finish to start the Javadoc generation. If the destination is different to the location configured the project's Javadoc Location page , you will be asked if you want to set the project's Javadoc location to the new destination folder. By doing this, all invocations of Open External Javadoc will use the now created documentation.
A new process will be started and the generation performed in the background. Open the Console view (Window > Show View > Console) to see the progress and status of the generation.