Turning menu and tool bar items on and off

In addition to configuring the layout of a perspective you can also control several other key aspects of a perspective. These include:

Try turning off a tool bar item:

  1. Select Window > Customize Perspective...

  2. Select the Tool Bar Visibility tab.

  3. Expand the File item.

  4. Uncheck Print and click OK.

    Turning off the 'Print' tool bar item

  5. Observe that the toolbar no longer includes the Print icon.

    Before   After
    Before picture for the 'Print' tool bar item (visible) Arrow After picture for the 'Print' tool bar item (visible)

Try turning off a menu item: 

  1. Select Window > Customize Perspective...

  2. Select the Menu Visibility tab.

  3. Expand the File item.

  4. Uncheck Print and click OK.

    Turning off the 'Print' menu item

  5. Observe that the File menu no longer includes the Print item.

    Before   After
    Before picture for the 'Print' menu item (visible) Arrow After picture for the 'Print' menu item (visible)

After experimenting with the other options on the Customize Perspective dialog, choose Window > Reset Perspective to return the perspective to its original state.